Be part of our portfolio ...
... and come on board !


NetBasis International has partnered with several industry-leading manufacturers offering advanced technology products, solutions and services in different fields. Our complete portfolio is best-in-class, coming from best-in-class vendors.

Quality, flexibility and reliability – our reputation and success does not come from simply selling our partners’ products and solutions, it is instead and even more based on always standing ready for our manufacturer partners, on being there when they need us for optimizing and fine-tuning their already excellent, outstanding and very reliable high-quality products and solutions already BEFORE selling them in new markets.

At the same time, NetBasis International always takes care of customer satisfaction by permanently and steadily focusing on the local clients’ needs and by offering a comprehensive range of supporting services around the products/solutions portfolio.

From strategy to execution – we are right there with you, working to help you achieve your mission goals.

Would you like to come aboard? We would be delighted!
